All Loans

Vehicle Loans

New and Used Vehicle Loans

Loan Type APR* Application
Autos As Low as 4.95% APR* Apply Now
Pickups As Low as 4.95% APR* Apply Now
Classic Cars (Completely Restored) As Low as 8.75% APR* Apply Now
Vans As Low as 4.95% APR* Apply Now

Recreational Vehicles

Loan Type APR* Application
Motor Homes As Low as 7.50% APR* Apply Now
Travel Trailers As Low as 7.50% APR* Apply Now
Boats As Low as 7.50% APR* Apply Now

New and Used Snowmobiles, ATVs, & Personal Watercraft

APR* Application
As Low as 7.60% APR* Apply Now

New and Used Motorcycles

APR* Application
As Low as 7.25% APR* Apply Now

Personal Loans

A Loan for Your Personal Use. Some Restrictions Do Apply.

APR* Application
As Low as 9.90% APR* Apply Now

Overdraft Protection (Unsecured Line of Credit)

This is for qualified members who want to add a protection feature to their checking account. This feature will protect you from those little whoops we all seem to make. Your mistakes may be covered to prevent your checking from becoming overdrawn. It may make the difference in whether your checks get returned, or you get charged a fee for the overdraft.

Amount Application
$50.00 to $15,000.00 Apply Now

Shared Secured Loans — 95% of Share Balance

APR* Application
4.50% APR* Apply Now

Share Certificate Loans — 95% of Certificate Balance

APR* Application
2.50% above Certificate Rate Apply Now

Credit Card — Visa

APR* Application
As Low as 8.50% APR* Apply Now

Real Estate Loans

Re-Financing Existing Mortgages

Home Equities

  • Fixed rates as low as 6.50% APR*

  • Variable rates as low as 7.00% APR*

  • We can help! Call and set up an appointment to find out which loan suits your needs.

Call - (605) 342-6442.

Dakota Star Federal Credit Union has a tiered pricing program. This allows as many members as possible to obtain financing. Individual rates will be determined by the type and/or age of collateral offered, length of the loan, and credit history. We are here to help and welcome all applications! To find out if you qualify, call Dakota Star Federal Credit Union at (605) 342-6442.

Student Loans

We work with ISL Education Lending to offer private loans to help you pay for college as well as refinance existing student loans. ISL Education Lending is a nonprofit organization with decades of student loan experience offering lower-priced loans*.

 ISL Education Lending offers:

  • Loans for college students.

  • A loan option for parents and family members who wish to borrow on behalf of a college student.

  • Multiple student loan refinance options.

In addition, they offer multiple scholarship opportunities and free college planning tools to help students and families avoid overborrowing and plan smart for life during and after college.

 Learn more about ISL Education Lending’s offerings on their website.

Please note:

  • All loans offered by ISL Education Lending are subject to credit approval.

  • Before applying for a private loan, we encourage you to first complete the FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid. You should also work with your college financial aid office to explore and exhaust all sources of student financial aid before seeking a private student loan.

 *Dakota Star Federal Credit Union is compensated by ISL Education Lending for the referral of student loans.